Make Art
Rubber stamps are the people's printmaking media. Low tech and high touch, they can be precisely placed for intricate collage-like effects or randomly scattered for background textures and dream-like floating juxtapositions. Have a go and see for yourself. Above are some examples from our studio.

Manifest Pictorial Zest
The way in which you deploy rubber stamps is limited only by your imagination, but the proof is in the experience. So play with your stamps... proliferate your stamp impressions on various types of paper and other surfaces using the stamp pads and inks of your choice. Watercolor is a wonderful adjunct media, as is India ink, color pencil, and a variety of marker pens... all of which are used in the artwork shown above. Remember, what you stamp on paper can be cut and pasted onto a new background surface, adding to your palette of possibilities. Experiment, explore further and discover. Move beyond concepts and enjoy your activity.